I'm in the middle of exams and as always when I'm closer to the end than the start (one more week to go. finally) I always start thinking of what I'll do when exams are done. Like if there'll be this big change or new era that dawns when I have so much time free that I spend studying before exams. Usually never happens but I figured I'd list them. Maybe if they're visible and not mental I might stick to it more. 1. Sleep at a reasonable hour and for more than four hours a day 2. Eat proper meals at regular times with good nutrition 3. Following from 1&2, go gym regularly with no skipping days. Keep track of workouts. Try to progress. No cheats and slacking off or lazy days. 4. Read more 5. Write more 6. Try to figure out what I want to do, where I want to be in the next 5 years. Where to apply for postgrad research studies. What to apply to study. Do I want to study Creative Writing or Finance? 7. Practice playing guitar until I'm somewhat ...
Sports. Finance. Films. Music. Literature. Travel. Food&Drink.Economics. That's all my interests. I think